JASPERS held its Stakeholders Meeting on 9th and 10th November 2021, which for the first time, took place fully online. After having to postpone the event because of the pandemic – the last gathering took place in Sofia in June 2018 – it was time to take the digital leap.
The event was a great opportunity for Member States, the European Commission and the EIB to reconnect and share their experiences, needs and expectations. This is particularly important at the beginning of a new Multi-annual Financial Framework marked with the risk of having significant amounts of funding available and not enough high quality mature projects for regions to absorb these funds. Parties to the meeting widely recognised that JASPERS has a fundamental role to play in getting projects off the ground, that can turn the European Union’s ambitious climate, social and economic agendas into a tangible and just reality.
The event attracted close to 250 participants from 33 countries, with a majority coming from Member States collaborating with JASPERS, as well as Managing Authorities. It was opened by EIB Vice-President Lilyana Pavlova, DG REGIO’s Director General Marc Lemaître and Slovenian Minister for Development and Cohesion Policy Zvonko Černač, as well as PJ’s Director General Chris Hurst. It was jointly chaired by Werner Schmidt, Head of JASPERS and DG REGIO Director Emma Toledano Laredo.
You can download the presentations in the following links:
Session 3:
Break-out session 1: A Smarter, more Social Europe closer to its Citizens
Break-out session 2: A greener, low carbon Europe - circular economy, water, risk management and energy sectors
Break-out session 3: More Connected Europe
Break-out session 4: In transition between IPA II and IPA III – JASPERS activities in support of Pre-Accession Countries
EIB Advisory JASPERS Stakeholders Meeting 2024
Discover how JASPERS, the EIB's largest advisory programme, can support the implementation of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and learn about best practices and case studies. Learn how JASPERS expands outside the EU, in Western Balkans, candidate countries, and Eastern partnership countries
Stakeholders Meeting 2023
Discover how JASPERS, the EIB's largest advisory programme, can support the implementation of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and learn about best practices and case studies.
Stakeholders Meeting 2022
Read about the discussions on energy, migration, and climate at the JASPERS stakeholders meeting in Brussels. JASPERS is the largest EIB's advisory programme.