
A workshop on planning and implementation of sound energy efficiency measures for the 2014-2020 programming period was held in Brussels on April 9th 2014.

The meeting was attended by over 60 participants from Member States' authorities, representatives of the European Commission and JASPERS partners.   


Target audience

The workshop was targeted to representatives from managing authorities and line ministries that are or will be responsible for the identification and development of energy efficiency projects and programmes in 2014-2020.



The workshop started with a session presenting the current state of play and relevant requirements for the 2014-2020 programming exercise, including recommendations for a proper focus on energy efficiency.

It continued with a presentation of the technical guidance on the financing of energy renovation of buildings with Cohesion Policy funding published by European Commission – DG ENERGY in February 2014.

JASPERS steered a discussion on lessons learned from the 2007-2013 funding period and provided highlights on how energy efficiency measures could play a pivotal role in the development of the new instrument of Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI).

Examples and case studies of financing structures that can be used in the context of Cohesion Policy funding for energy efficiency schemes in different Member States were also presented.

The workshop concluded with a roundtable that gave the opportunity to discuss the relevance of the topics covered and allowed an exchange of practical experience among participants.

More on this topic


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