Around 50 participants attended the webinar on 10 September 2020, organised in cooperation with DG REGIO and the Estonian ministry of economic affairs and communication.
Target audience
The event targeted interested Estonian Stakeholders and included the participation of speakers from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, the European Commission and the EIB.
Estonia has set ambitious targets to improve energy efficiency (EE) for the modernisation of its housing stock. The funds and financing attributed during the ongoing period of financial perspectives contribute to the achievement of the long-term renovation strategy, which aims at upgrading the entire Estonian housing stock to a high efficiency level.
The webinar aimed at exchanging experience on the way EU or national grants may contribute to incentivise Energy Efficiency investments in residential buildings, mostly multi-storey buildings composed of apartments owned by their residents.
During the webinar experts from national agencies and/or promotional banks in Estonia , Lithuania, Poland and Germany provided an overview of the history of activities to promote energy efficiency investments for existing and new housing stock.
DG REGIO has underlined the crucial Climate Action importance of progress in renovating existing housing stock, especially in Estonia and generally in the Baltic countries. No other sector of the economy has a comparable potential to reduce specific energy consumption. This was confirmed by a short contribution by DG ENER.
JASPERS and ELENA were considered to have the potential to provide strategic or project related advice to the government and to relevant agencies and local authorities. Advice may focus on establishing programmes for certain types of housing and on addressing weaknesses, mainly related to housing stock renovation in remote areas of the country with weak economic and demographic development and low real estate values.
The EIB at large could possibly contribute to a potentially revolving housing investment fund.
Decarbonisation of district heating systems
**SEO Description:** The EIB Advisory JASPERS Webinar on Decarbonisation of District Heating Systems ( DH) , focused on upgrading district heating systems to meet EU energy policy objectives, enhancing energy efficiency, and reducing carbon intensity. The event highlighted the challenges faced by fossil fuel-based systems due to stricter emission standards and rising costs under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Many existing systems need upgrades to comply with EU energy policies and the EU Strategy for Energy System Integration emphasizes investing in smart, efficient, renewable-based district heating to meet climate targets. Participants learned about the latest EU financing instruments, including the Modernisation Fund and Recovery and Resilience Facility, and discovered systematic approaches to project preparation. The webinar was ideal for managing authorities, line ministries, municipalities, and district heating companies. Attendees engaged in expert-led discussions, case studies, and Q&A sessions, advancing their knowledge in district heating decarbonisation and contributing to the EU's environmental targets.
Energy efficiency in Estonia
Learn how EU and national grants can incentivize energy efficiency investments in Estonia's residential buildings. The training was delivered by JASPERS, the EIB's largest advisory programme.
Cost-benefit analysis on energy sectors
Learn about the fourth European Commission DG REGIO/JASPERS cost-benefit analysis forum meeting on energy infrastructure. JASPERS is the EIB's largest advisory programme.
Supporting investments in smart grids
Learn about the financing of smart grids investments with European structural and investment funds (ESIF) in this workshop provided by JASPERS, the EIB's largest advisory programme.
For any further enquiry on this webinar and in general on the activities of the JASPERS Knowledge Platform please write an email to jaspersnetwork@eib.org