
More than 170 participants attended the Third workshop on climate adaptation in the transport sector, organised in cooperation with DG REGIO, DG CLIMA and DG MOVE on 7 April 2022.


Target audience

The webinar was aimed at project managers and experts from managing authorities, relevant line ministries and transport authorities, including those managing transport networks.



Following previous activities on climate change adaptation and, building on the results of two thematic workshops on the transport sector, organised in December 2017 and June 2019, this final webinar aimed at:

  • providing new insights and reflections on good experiences and lessons learned on climate change proofing in transport projects,  
  • fostering its integration as part of transport networks management.

The workshop was structured around two main focus areas:

  • Experiences in the integration of climate change adaptation considerations in transport networks management.
  • Concrete examples on mainstreaming climate change resilience in project preparation including some lessons learned in the assessment of climate change vulnerabilities and risks and in the definition of adaptation measures for new transport projects;

It also aimed at steering reflections on climate change adaptation for the transport sector in the financial perspective 2021-27, as well as steering discussion and exchange of ideas between participants. 


More on this topic


For any further enquiry on this webinar and in general on the activities of the JASPERS Knowledge Platform please write an email to jaspersnetwork@eib.org