The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training in Bucharest, Romania, held on 23-24 September 2024, successfully brought together 35 participants from several cities across the country.
The activity began with introductions by a representative from the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration and the training organisers. The morning sessions covered the basics of SUMP methodology and practice, and the connection between strategic plans, programming, pipeline, and project preparation.
In the afternoon, the focus shifted to urban nodes and the interface between local and strategic transport, followed by a session on multi-modal plan scenario building in SUMPs. The day concluded with a discussion on indicators, targets, and monitoring, wrapping up the first day of training.
The second day followed by sessions on collective passenger transport, active modes, and micromobility. It also included sessions on road safety and street design, inclusive and accessible mobility, and concluded with wrap-up and conclusions by the key experts and trainers.
1.Presentations of training modules in English
2.Presentations of training modules in Romanian
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training session in Portugal
The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training session in Portugal, hosted by JASPERS from the European Investment Bank (EIB) advisory, provided urban transport planners and stakeholders with hands-on experience in developing and implementing SUMPs. Participants enhanced their expertise in multimodal transport systems, decarbonisation strategies, urban nodes and the interface between local and strategic transport collective passenger transport, and sustainable urban mobility solutions. This event significantly contributed to advancing urban mobility planning and promoting efficient, low-emission urban transport networks in cities and regions.
National SUMP Support Programme (NSSP) in-presence Workshop
Learn in this seminar delivered by JASPERS, EIB's largest advisory programme, about the National SUMP Support Programme (NSSP) Introductory Workshop. The purpose of the event is to discuss NSSPs, to showcase best practice examples and to identify additional NSSP training needs for national and regional authorities and for the 432 urban nodes on the TEN-T network.
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training session in Namur, Wallonia, Belgium
Held on December 3-4, 2024, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training in Namur, Wallonia, Belgium, successfully attracted 35 enthusiastic participants. The training included a total of 9 modules (3 core and 6 electives) on SUMP-related topics that provided an in-depth look at the challenges and best practices in establishing SUMPs.
For any further enquiry on this webinar and in general on the activities of the JASPERS Knowledge Platform please write an email to jaspersnetwork@eib.org