
Held on December 3-4, 2024, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training in Namur, Wallonia, Belgium, successfully attracted 35 enthusiastic participants.

The training included a total of 9 modules (3 core and 6 electives) on SUMP-related topics that provided an in-depth look at the challenges and best practices in establishing SUMPs.

The training commenced with introductions from the Director of the Mobility and Infrastructure Directorate and a Project Manager, both from Public Service of Wallonia (SPW) Mobility and Infrastructure. A representative from EIB-JASPERS then welcomed all participants.

Participants then discussed the basics of SUMP methodology and practice, explored the link between strategic plans and project preparation, and discussed urban nodes and the interface between local and strategic transport. The day continued with sessions on collective passenger transport and concluded with a focus on multi-modal plan scenario building, wrapping up with a summary of the day’s activities.

The second day covered sessions on organisational and institutional aspects of SUMPs, spatial planning, and demand and accessibility analysis. The afternoon covered SUMPs for small and medium sized cities, with the training concluding with wrap-up remarks.

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