JASPERS is currently supporting around 40 Just Transition Fund (JTF) assignments in 13 Member States, with compliance to State Aid requirements emerging as a key area of concern during project preparation. This is often where doubts and difficulties arise, prompting the need for JASPERS' assistance.
This webinar is the follow-up of a first webinar held on 11th of July 2023 on State aid issues in JTF projects. It addresses specific State aid issues, - notably in decarbonisation, and renewable energy communities-, deemed crutial for JTF purposes, reflecting Member States' feedback and the Commission’s services' cases assessed to date.
Additionally, it seeks to share experiences, challenges, and good practices among the JTF authorities of Member States involved in the State aid assessment of JTF projects, as well as to identify further needs for advisory and capacity building support.
Target audience
This webinar brought together stakeholders involved in the preparation and State aid assessment of JTF projects. Participants presented experiences, difficulties and good practices among Member States, identified the tools/procedures that can be used in State aid assessment for JTF projects, and discussed needs for possible further support.
Participants learned the available tools in State aid assessment of JTF projects, which are crucial for the timely implementation of the projects.
Attendees had the chance to join Q&A sessions and discussed needs for further advisory and capacity building support in this specific knowledge area.
1. Welcome and introduction
2. EIB - JASPERS support to Just Transition Mechanism
3. State aid support JTF
4. State aid for industrial decarbonisation
5. State aid for RECs
Workshop on Preparation of Terms of Reference and management of project preparation studies
Learn about the workshop on project preparation studies and terms of reference, organized by Transport Community and JASPERS, the EIB's largest advisory programme.
Economic Appraisal methodologies and Common Provision Regulation
Learn about Economic Appraisal methodologies and CPR requirements for EU-funded investment projects in the 2021-2027 period in this webinar provided by JASPERS, the EIB's advisory programme.
Economic Appraisal for EU-funded projects in 2021-27
Learn about economic appraisal for EU-funded projects in the 2021-2027 programming period and its relevance for various funding sources. The training was organised by JASPERS, the EIB's largest advisory programme.
For any further enquiry on this webinar and in general on the activities of the JASPERS Knowledge Platform please write an email to jaspersnetwork@eib.org