A total of 81 participants (20 in person and 61 online) joined the “National SUMP Support Programme (NSSP) Introductory Workshop” on 11 June 2024 . Of the total number of participants, 55 were country representatives, most of them specifically responsible for NSSP coordination at the national/regional level.
The event was organised by JASPERS with the support of consultants and in close collaboration with the European Commission (DG MOVE). This was the first of a series of workshops on topics relating to National SUMP Support Programmes (NSSPs) in different EU Member States.
Target audience
The workshop was designed for key high-level contacts and country representatives with NSSP responsibilities at the national/regional level, such as representatives from relevant ministries or national transport authorities involved in national support programmes.
The purpose of the event was to discuss NSSPs, to showcase best practice examples and to identify additional NSSP knowledge-sharing and capacity-building needs for national and regional authorities, and for the 432 urban nodes on the TEN-T network. The series of multi-country workshops allows experts involved in NSSP activities to share their experience, best practice and to establish a knowledge-sharing network.
Key areas of interest raised by participants included:
- How an NSSP can help to institutionalise the sustainable mobility paradigm within transport planning and engineering at all levels of government;
- NSSP balance between guidance/awareness raising, and incentives and regulation;
- Compliance with the Commission’s TEN-T Regulation regarding the development of SUMPs for urban nodes by 2027 (Annex V), building on existing planning documents for the preparation of integrated planning;
- NSSP support to SUMP development in urban nodes and other cities (non-urban nodes) in line with the Commission’s NSSP Recommendation;
- Funding and financial support for SUMP development and implementation (EU/national levels);
- Alignment between national and local sustainable mobility strategies;
- National SUMP platform, stakeholder engagement and cooperation between different levels of governance;
- SUMP best practice examples at the functional urban area (FUA) level;
- Quality assessment of SUMPs;
- Adaptation of SUMP guidelines to national contexts;
- Integration of urban logistics within SUMPs.
- NSSPs from the EC perspective
- EIB’s upcoming training sessions on SUMPs and NSSPs
- Introduction to National SUMP Support Programmes (NSSPs)
- SUMP policy framework in Flanders More than 20 years of experience and improvement
- NSSP - Greece Current Status & Next Steps
- Interactive sessions: Introduction, and workshop topics 11th June 2024
Useful links:
- Commission Recommendation (EU) 2023/550 of 8 March 2023 on National Support Programmes for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
- Regulation underpinning the trans-European transport network (TEN-T)
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training session in Portugal
The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training session in Portugal, hosted by JASPERS from the European Investment Bank (EIB) advisory, provided urban transport planners and stakeholders with hands-on experience in developing and implementing SUMPs. Participants enhanced their expertise in multimodal transport systems, decarbonisation strategies, urban nodes and the interface between local and strategic transport collective passenger transport, and sustainable urban mobility solutions. This event significantly contributed to advancing urban mobility planning and promoting efficient, low-emission urban transport networks in cities and regions.
National SUMP Support Programme (NSSP) in-presence Workshop
Learn in this seminar delivered by JASPERS, EIB's largest advisory programme, about the National SUMP Support Programme (NSSP) Introductory Workshop. The purpose of the event is to discuss NSSPs, to showcase best practice examples and to identify additional NSSP training needs for national and regional authorities and for the 432 urban nodes on the TEN-T network.
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training session in Namur, Wallonia, Belgium
Held on December 3-4, 2024, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) training in Namur, Wallonia, Belgium, successfully attracted 35 enthusiastic participants. The training included a total of 9 modules (3 core and 6 electives) on SUMP-related topics that provided an in-depth look at the challenges and best practices in establishing SUMPs.
For any further enquiry on this webinar and in general on the activities of the JASPERS Knowledge Platform please write an email to jaspersnetwork@eib.org