
Building on the experience JASPERS has developed during the 2014-2020 period, the webinar covered the new requirements and methodologies mandated by the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) and also showcased examples on how JASPERS is currently supporting counterparts across Europe in strengthening their capacities to perform sound project selection and appraisal in 2021-27.

Target audience

More than 160 participants joined our webinar. It was mainly aimed at Managing Authorities, implementing bodies, relevant line ministries and other relevant institutions involved in the appraisal and selection of projects co-funded by Cohesion and other EU funding sources in the 2021-27 period. It was also relevant for national and regional authorities responsible for implementing Cohesion Policy and professionals involved in project preparation, appraisal, and implementation.


Participants gained an understanding of the implication of the transition from the 2014-2020 to the 2021-2027 programming period, with an increased responsibility of national authorities in ensuring sound project selection and establishing adequate appraisal methodologies and processes. The webinar covered regulatory compliance and quality control, highlighting new prerequisites for project selection, including climate proofing and the DNSH principle, and the assistance that JASPERS can provide in this respect.

The webinar featured interactive Q&A sessions, providing opportunities to learn about experiences and emerging good practices across Member States.

The primary objective of this webinar was to initiate an open dialogue with Managing Authorities (MAs) and other relevant stakeholders, aiming to gain valuable insights into their needs for potential further support on subjects relevant to project preparation and selection. Additionally, it served as a platform to discuss forthcoming, targeted technical capacity-building activities designed to strengthen their capabilities for the 2021-2027 programming period.

More on this topic


For any further enquiry on this webinar and in general on the activities of the JASPERS Knowledge Platform please write an email to jaspersnetwork@eib.org