The background

Situated in the Moravia-Silesia region, Ostrava is renowned for its coal mining and metallurgical heritage. However, with the pressing need to reduce reliance on carbon-based energy sources, the city is charting a new course.

This shift is made possible with the support of the Just Transition Fund (JTF), a financial tool designed by the European Commission to assist coal-regions transition towards sustainable practices. This transition promises numerous benefits, including job creation, re-skilling opportunities, and economic diversification.

The Black Cube project exemplifies this transformative journey.

The challenge

The Black Cube, a cutting-edge multi-purpose building, is set to become a regional hub for culture and education. Its primary goals? To provide a modern digital infrastructure for the local cultural sector and its cultural heritage, and to foster innovation and research. This is expected to accelerate the city's digital transformation in these domains.

The Black Cube proposes diverse initiatives. It will house a state-of-the-art scientific public library, replacing the current premises of the Moravian-Silesian Research Library and offering enhanced facilities.

Additionally, it will foster two streams of innovation: one dedicated to education and re-skilling, and another committed to innovation and testing activities in digital publication and literature sorting.

@Kuba & Pilař architekti
@Kuba & Pilař architekti
@Kuba & Pilař architekti

The action

JASPERS, with its expertise in digitalization and innovation, have assisted national authorities with a comprehensive review of the Black Curbe project, covering several aspects necessary to ensure the co-financing through the Just Transition Fund.

JASPERS assessed aspects such as the project's feasibility, technical scenarios, options analysis, evidence of future use and demand, risk factors, and financial and economic costs and benefits. These were all encapsulated in a conclusion that highlighted both the positive elements and areas for improvement within the project proposal.

The JASPERS review contributed to the Czech authorities' evaluation process, complementing their own evaluation in the decision-making for project funding approval.

JASPERS’ role in Just Transition

Our experts have supported the Just Transition Fund (JTF) through numerous assignments across more than ten EU member states. 

The Czech Republic has distinguished itself as one of the frontrunners among EU Member States in developing JTF projects. In 2023 alone, JASPERS supported Czech authorities in 20 new JTF assignments and has to date played an important role in helping the authorities reviewing over 30 different strategic project proposals, particularly those that would have a high impact on the coal regions of the Czech Republic. Most of them relate to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), education, Research & Development (R&D), and cultural and human capital development.

JASPER contribution has been appreciated both by the national authorities as well as the European Commission and has led to request to continue the support with the next phase of JTF projects in the country.

The results

Once completed, the Black Cube will help revitalize Ostrava and its surroundings. Here’s how:

Digital centre: The Black Cube will be a place to foster digital transformation. Whether attending workshops, accessing digital resources, participating in cultural events, or supporting local companies, communities will find digital support here.

Urban development: The Black Cube’s presence will catalyze further development in the surrounding urban area. New businesses, cultural initiatives, and educational opportunities will spring up, creating a vibrant ecosystem.

The project is estimated to cost a total of 110 million EUR, with up to 85% qualifying for financing from the JTF funds. The result, a new shining cultural and innovative centre in the middle of Ostrava, is planned to be ready by the end of 2027.