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Circular economy and solid waste

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The European Union aims to be climate-neutral by 2050. But if we want to meet this target, we urgently need an economic and social transformation. A transformation of our current production and consumption model into a more regenerative one.

The circular economy offers a solution to this problem — one capable of addressing global challenges like climate change mitigation and adaptation, pollution prevention, protection of biodiversity, and resource and energy efficiency.

In its Circular Economy Guide, the European Investment Bank Group outlines its approach to supporting the circular transition. To define and steer its circular economy lending and advisory operations, the Bank applies nine strategies called the "9Rs": refuse, rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, repurpose and recycle. JASPERS can advice on how to integrate these strategies into project design and development, taking a cross-sectoral and life cycle approach.

JASPERS helps you prepare circular economy strategies and projects that:

  • Contribute to circular economy strategy objectives at local, regional or national level
  • Improve resource efficiency by designing-out waste, increasing reuse and recycling
  • Extend the useful life of project assets and construction materials


Solid waste is a daily challenge: Every day, each one of us produces waste that requires management.

The right waste management infrastructure is needed if waste is to be properly separated, recycled as far as possible, treated and disposed of in ways that meet circular economy targets and protect the environment and public health.

Alongside up-to-date infrastructure and technology, an efficient solid waste management system depends on broad public awareness and engaged people.

JASPERS can help you prepare:

  • Projects to establish, upgrade or extend integrated waste management systems, including collection and treatment schemes for separated waste and treatment of residual waste
  • Waste management plans in line with the Waste Framework Directive
  • Strategies to implement economic instruments like “pay-as-you-throw” or extended producer responsibility schemes for packaging waste
  • Projects to decontaminate polluted sites and reduce risks to people and environment