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JASPERS started working with Moldova in 2022 with the major study on transportation Strategy for the EU Integration of the Ukrainian and Moldovan Rail Systems. This publication proposes the development of the standard European track gauge on rail lines in Ukraine and Moldova. For Moldova, the initial step is to introduce a standard European gauge track from the Romanian border to its capital, Chiṣinău. JASPERS is currently assisting the Moldovan authorities in implementing the subsequent phases of development of this strategy.

By the end of 2022, JASPERS had supported the development and implementation of cross-border transport projects between Ukraine, Moldova and neighbouring EU Member States. The project proposals were submitted for the 2023 Connecting Europe Facility call. These investments aim at strengthening cross-border transport, foster economic development, and facilitate smoother rail transport within the region. JASPERS is currently supporting the Moldovan authorities in implementing selected projects.

JASPERS continued to support the Moldovan authorities in preparing  projects for the Connecting Europe Facility calls up to the end of 2023. JASPERS helped in defining the scope of the road project applied to the 2024 call, which concerns the multicountry border crossing area of Galati in Romania, Giurgiulesti in Moldova and Reni in Ukraine.

Our team of experts is also supporting Moldova through the facility for Eastern Partnership Investment in Connectivity (EPIC) in four transport assignments. The first assignment, which began in 2022, involves developing a National Mobility Strategy for 2023-2030. This strategy outlines the strategic framework for transport investments in the country. As a follow-up to this study, EPIC is providing support for the development of a multiannual investment programme and action plan for the transport sector, based on enhanced transport data and modelling.

In 2023, JASPERS commenced a second EPIC assignment aimed at developing the missing sections of the Chisinau Ring Road. The completion of this road is essential to ease traffic congestion in Moldova’s capital and will contribute to reduce pollution and minimise road safety hazards.

Further projects receiving EPIC support are an inland freight terminal in Chisinau, which is expected to foster EU-Moldovan trade relations, and the road corridor Ungheni – Chisinau – Odesa, where improvements are crucial to enhance connectivity between Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, whilst avoiding – to the extent feasible – the passing through populated areas to reduce health and safety risks; , as well as the development of the EU-rail gauge link from Ungheni to Chisinau.

Our work in numbers

Supported projects

Million investment cost

Completed assignments

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